One of the most critical choices for many people approaching pension age is the choice of Annuity, or being better informed of the alternatives. If you would like an unbiased assessment about your options and how to make your pension work for you, please contact us to make an appointment and we will provide our assistance.
Pensions Help and AdviceWe can help you to establish a pension plan for your retirement with contributions which can be made by you and also your employer. It is essential that you have your plans reviewed on a regular basis to ensure they continue to meet your retirement expectations and we can provide you with this service as part of a structured agreement.
Investing for Income or Growth?Many of our clients invest with us for different reasons, some require income from their savings, some are striving to maximise the growth. We can provide help to both of these differing requirements and provide you with a regular review of how your investments are performing whilst shielding you from the myriad of paper updates that come constantly through the post.
Retirement PlanningIn addition to pre-retirement pension planning we will help you make the right choices when it comes to taking benefits. These days retirement isn't a one day event for most people. It may be a planned gradual retirement often started by taking tax free cash to help clear the mortgage more quickly or other debts but deferring income until later. It may mean that you start to cut down on the working hours and need to make up the income shortfall by gradually switching on pension income rather than it happening all at once.
With the State pension age getting further away for younger people the need to plan for retirement is more important than ever. Investment of Tax-Free Cash Sums By planning properly it may be possible to avoid paying too much income tax at once whilst you may still be working part-time. Options available:
An important part of our investment service is to provide you with assistance with investing lump sums either from inheritances or when you take tax-free cash from your pensions. We can offer you help and advice as to how you could invest your Pension Commencement lump sum offering a risk rated portfolio for both capital growth and/or income. We can make sure you make effective use of the ISA allowance to maximise on tax efficient capital growth and tax-free income as required. Post-Retirement These days our clients have money invested in their pensions well into retirement and may be using “Drawdown” to vary the level of income which they need annually. We make sure you are looked after not just leading up to retirement but afterwards too. The investment will still require monitoring and advice given with regular review “check-ups” to make sure your pension and other investments remain on track, and that they continue to provide you with financial freedom throughout your retirement. |